Invite-Only Event
After submitting your application, if you are selected to continue through our Recruitment process, you will receive an email with further details regarding this event. Stay tuned!
If you receive an invitation, please note that your attendance is mandatory.
Application Closes
Make sure to submit your application by no later than 5:00 PM to be considered!
Meet & Greet
Stop by Grub Burger to meet the Executive Board and ask us any questions you may have about joining our organization! This event is come-and-go.
Last Day of Bannering
Stop by and talk to us near the MSC on our last day of bannering!
Informational 2
Come to our 2nd informational at the MSC (room 2405) to learn about our organization’s mission, values, and membership requirements.
Informational 1
Come to our 1st informational at the MSC (room 1401) to learn about our organization’s mission, values, and membership requirements.
Application Opens
Interested in joining Dermatological TAMU? Click here to apply starting 01/15!
First Day of Bannering
Feel free to stop by and talk to us as we are bannering near the MSC! We will be there every week day from 01/14 through 01/24.