Our Committees
Committee Chairs: Alexa Flores, Elaina Molina
The Service Committee works to establish a variety of opportunities for our members to serve both on campus and throughout the BCS community.
Committee Chairs: Gabby Wetwiski, Olesya Asherman
The Education Committee focuses on building our curriculum and determining dermatological issues, misconceptions, and stigmas that are applicable to our members and community.
Committee Chairs: Samantha Ripkoski, Sophie Young
The Meetings Committee provides input on the plans and formats of our General Meetings.
Committee Chairs: Priya Chandrani, Cella Deer
The Networking Committee works to establish and maintain our brand partnerships and collaborations with other student organizations.
Committee Chairs: Paola Juarez, Sareena Naran
The Fundraising Committee helps to determine fundraising opportunities for our organization and charitable causes.
Committee Chairs: Caitlyn Boyd, Keneice Bellard
The Social Committee plans and coordinates various social events for our members.
Committee Chairs: Ekaterina Samsonov, Jolie Gutierrez
The Public Relations Committee creates promotional designs and engaging social media content.
Committee Chairs
Our Committee Chairs play a pivotal role in overseeing the various projects carried out by each committee. By ensuring the progress of organizational initiatives, they effectively contribute to the social and professional growth of all members of Dermatological TAMU.